Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Good evening Brits, Can y`all help this yank understand?

Did you know that the afghan war has now run longer than vietnam? i expect that you know that in vietnam there where talks between the americans and vietcong to try and resolve the war.. Id say in some instances that its better to talk than to pop off m16 or ak47s.. I don't think its a weakness to talk to ones enemy,, The US is doing the right thing talking to the Talibs, remember if talking saves the lives of soldiers then talk away ..

Should i tell my ex to call me?

Leila hun you need to decide first if you want to keep him. There's no such thing as conditions in relationships. Conditions are set in politics. With guys its either you want him or you dont. Either way no need to call him. If you want him let him pursue you and beg you to take him back. Then you can tell him why you broke with him and threaten to dump him again if he continues. If you call him first then he wins and has no reason to pay attention to your demands. Now trying to explain anything to guys good luck hun. Theyre from different planet.

If someone hit their wife( just a question), would the police need physical proof to make an arrest?

Assuming the person did not admit to it, and there was no witnesses. Im just curious how flimsy the law is, if they just take people's words for stuff.

What does it mean when you loose a tooth in a dream? ?

I've had had dreams to where my tooth was loose and coming out but I would wake up before it would come out I've also had dreams where I would chew on gum or taffy and it wouldnt come out my mouth getting stuck and almost yanking my teeth out buy just recently I had a dream where a tooth was loose and finally after 25 years of having it nearly come out lol it does any idea what it could mean loosing a tooth in a dream?

Could cincinnati bell root my android for me?

Ok I'm afraid of rootingmy device because if I root it wrong then it could turn into a "brick". So could a Cincinnati bell worker do it for me at the Cincinnati bell store?

What is the best brand of teeth whitening trays?

I just got my braces off today. :) I am going to whiten my teeth so what is the best brand of whitening trays (the plastic ones filled with gel, not the flimsy sheets with gel lining on the inside) and how much do they cost on average?

TEETH BEING YANKED OUT??? What is this dream?

dreams mean different things to different people but it sounds like to me someone has a grudge on you and cannot forgive you what you have done or demonic attatchment this is where you go to a place where a demon is lingering and it follows you your whole life if the dreams keep ocurring go to a curch get prayed for or get an exorcism

Has anyone ever been rejected by their crush?

yah, a few years ago when i was really weird, but your time will come, and when that does, you will find guys that will be dying to find someone like you, weather they are hot or not

What can I do about my neighbor's poor dog on an Air Force base?

The Air Force is not in charge of animal cruelty laws, those are typically handled by the ASPCA. Call them.

Do the Americans have their eyes on Sudan's oil now?

The Americans have their eyes on everyones oil, as well as a finger in every pie and yes they will want to drag us in with them as always.

Is it normal to feel emotionally detached after a severe panic attack?

ohh hunny i have a server anxiety disorder i just asked a question about mine(:.. but yes it is normal i have had some pretty bad panic attacks they have brought me to some extreme things they are so scary. and when i have them i feel as if im in a dream and nothing is reall. i feel like that when im not having a panic attack as well. im just in a state of dreamyness which is cause from anxiety and stress and i always feel like im loosing my lid. but it is very normal to feel that way i do it when i go into harsh attacks.. it will eventualy fade and you will start to gain emotion back. ive had it happen when i am under extreme amounts of stress. it will get better and i hope all is well(:

Plant question, when to top ?

i have a small eucalyptus plant ~6 inches tall. Wondering if its okay to top it or if i need to wait a little longer. Its shot up really fast and has a flimsy stalk so i had to stake it. Here it is a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a anyone with experience with these types of plants any maintenance tips or suggestions would be appreciated. thx

Men, please answer- Unhappy Wife?

I have been married for about a year and I am feeling increasingly more depressed. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it, and I would just like some advice. My husband is a seasonal worker, and when he is home, he gets so lazy and all he does all day (literally, ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT) is play video games on his computer. He is pretty much in another world. I feel like I am annoying him when I ask him to spend time with me, and he only spends time with me if he wants a "break" from playing his video games. I am so bored at home because I don't have hobbies, I am an active person and I love to go out and do things away from my house, but I don't want to do everything by myself. Am I being unreasonable by thinking that he should try to spend more time with me? We are about to have a child and I'm worried about what kind of father he will be. I am thankful that he loves me and provides for me, but I just don't feel happily married. I would appreciate any adivce.

Kitten bleeding from nose and vagina ?

My 12weeks old kitten is bleeding from her nose and vagina, it seems her leg is hurting as well. She will be taken to the vets but wondering if anyone has had same experience or know what it could be? She is flimsy when I pick her up but she is eating drinking and purring. She just can't move but I don't understand why she is bleeding...

Good afternoon Brits, Can y`all help this yank understand?

No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.. don't think like that.. those peasant farmers didn't beat you militarily what beat you was your own public conscience and seeing the death and destruction on TV each night. Remember that young Vietnamese girl running down the road badly burned by napalm? well images like that is wat beat you.. and the 58000 dead grunts... and dare i say public apathy of a 10 year war. The fact is the US could have won in vietnam if it had being willing to go that further step towards total war... in the end it wasn't prepared to bomb hanoi and other cities into the stone age, or was it prepared to risk nuclear confrontation with the soviets or chinks .. if it had have been much vietnam would be smouldering radioactive dust pile.

Would the holocaust deniers and be more upset than anyone if Germany lifted its ban on on Holocaust denial?

more non jews were killed than jews,so how is denial anti semitic? the reason there is doube is because they never allowed those that were alive then to tell their stories.a little one sided,even the trials were military tribunals so they were one sided.just because people want to know all the facts before they make decisions don't call them names

Where to find tie downs with bungee/resistance?

I am pretty sure a saw some bungee tie downs at tractor supply. im not sure where your from, but we have horse sales/auctions that carries almost everything you need for cheap..good luck

How do you stop biting nails?

ive never not bit my nails, ive tried the yucky tasting nail polishes but im so addicting i charge thro it. i also have flimsy nails so i tear them. some of this has to do with add but its nothing is helping!! any ideas?!


He probably didnt mean it like that...since girls are delicate it could have seemed harder than it actually was to ur feeling...he maybe was just tired give it time then GET HIM! he probably was just having a bad day or something ;)

Power supply unit problems?

I've been converting car audio systems to home systems and I ran into a problem with the power supply I just got... I yanked it out of an old dell tower and noticed it was packed with dust so I used and air hose and cleaned it off... To operate it I had to jump the green wire to one of the black wires on the motherboard plug.. I've done this befor and never had a problem... But with this one the supply came on for a second then shut off and wouldn't turn back on for about ten minutes and it did the same thing.. I have no clue what's wrong with itt

Laws against HEAT in businesses in MA?

There is this Dunkin Donuts in my town that has a very old AC and it freezes over all the time and they have to shut the AC off and the workers are stuck working in it. The owners do not buy any fans no additional AC's.... nothing. Today it was over 100 degrees that the workers had to endure. Are they breaking any law. Is there someone or some organization that could put a stop to it? Anything will help thank you very much

Strangest Dream Ever!! Ulquiorra, Gerard Way, and Ice Skating! Meaning?

I have no idea who those people are but i assume they are role models. the skating refers to you living your life. the ice smoothing machine represents the important issues in your life. your excitement over these celebrities and inability to contact them via your cell phone indicates that they are a distraction and you should instead be focusing your energy and attention on important issues in your life.

Ok so our puppy ran away...but I found description?

So our 4-5 month old puppy ran away because my parents were trying to teach him how to fetch a toy in the pool by jumping into the pool to get it, and he wouldnt jump into the pool, so my mom decided to yank him up by his scruff and shove him into the pool. And I walked outside, and he start to get excited and he was jumping up on me, and my mom walked over, and he went to go hide on the stairs in the pool, and my dad grabbed him by his neck and dragged him out of the pool, so Apollo, (our lab puppy), ran around to the front of the house and came back around to the back and my dad started screaming at him and slamming him into the ground saying that he needed to "listen better" and he started hitting him and then Apollo started crying and he ran away... Then a few minutes later, my dad told us he ran away for I hop on my bike and I found him almost half a mile away, and I brought him back to the house and I was petting him, and kissing him and praising him and so was everyone else...and my mom started yelling at him and was like "no, don't praise him, he needs to listen...he needs to be punished" ok so the questions are: 1) did he run away because he was scared? 2) he is in his cage now sleeping, and should we have praised him when we got home, (which we did), or should he have been disciplined and punished??

Anchors for 4x4 posts onto cement? Suggestions?

Once you tie the 4x4 "wall" to the main house, it will stabilize(be sure to tie the joists to the top of the wall by toe-nailing or using the brackets designed for this application similar material as the 4x4 brackets--if i'm thinking of the same thing). The anchors are only to keep the base from "kicking" out. As long as the bottom is secure to the pad, and the top will be tied to the house, it will be ok.

Piercing studio complaints?!?

Go in and talk to whoever is in charge. But it's very unlikely she did them wrong "on purpose".

Where is the apple online chat support?

So, I got a new computer and lost all of the purchases recent purchases from my ipod. It shows them in my purchase history but will not let me reload them. I'm pretty pissed. I tried to find where I can chat with an apple support worker, but it's very complicated. Anyone give me the link and instructions? I dont even know when my iPod was purchased; it was a gift.

My disk drive won't shut?

I accidentaly caught my disk drive on my bed sheet and yanked the thing to the point of breaking it. Now it's rather flimsy and it's almost as if it's jammed open. I can't close it. Any ideas what to do to close it?

Anyone out there with the Acer AS5742G-6846?

I'm thinking about buying this laptop and I want to know how the screen looks, if it's a flimsy, does the screen have the screen door effect, is the keyboard a bad quality etc. Thanks and if youre not sure if you have this laptop , here's a link to see the specs to check. And please don't recommend other gaming laptops unless they're 600 or under.. Thanks

When a child is taken from the parents, does the case worker need to have paperwork?

My fiance's brother lost his kids today, but the case worker didn't have any paperwork. I myself was in foster care and the case worker not only had paperwork but also had an officer present. So I don't know if the case worker is required to have paperwork when they remove the children from the home. (For the record, my brother in law is not at all abusive. He has done everything he possibly could to keep his kids safe. He has no idea as to why they took his kids.)

How's my story last part?

It's a pretty good ending but there are a few places that it could probably be improved. The line "Where the do you think you're goin' " sounds a little cliche. Also you need to sell the pain of her beating a little more if she is going to pass out from it. All in all I found it compelling, keep at it and make it great.

My dads company is shutting down!!?

So my dad has worked at paper mill for 35 years now and his company is shutting down. The first 25 years he was a regular worker, the last 10 years he was upgraded to a foreman. So first 25 years he was in the union, last 10 years he wasnt. He is to old to find another decent job id imagen...... My main question is how much do you thin he'll get for retirement or what will happen in general? he made on average $20.00 an hour over his time working there.

I banged my arm at school and its really hurting?

I am left handed and it shakes when I try to write I have to type with my right hand the dinner lady didn't do anything and its starting to really hurt it got yanked up and down by my teacher she calls it seeing if its broken and its now really hurting

Root filling how difficult to remove?

An hour is too short a time period actually, your dentist is right! (he was just trying to make u feel better at first lol) Good luck!

When to take off work when pregnant?

I'm 30 weeks today (with my first) and I work in a dog boarding and grooming facility. I take the dogs out 3 times a day, which does mean I get yanked around a lot, there are a lot of up and down stairs at my job too. I literally trek up and down at least 60 times a day. I bathe dogs, clean up feces, and then do a lot of miscellaneous work. Im going to talk to my doctor Wednesday when I should take off work but would like other thoughts and opinions before hand. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How do you feel about the Local church opposes new immigration bill?

I say that it's better to work on this issue of illegal aliens from the standpoint of checking the authenticity of their documents using e-verify when they apply for jobs. Rather than arrest people who "are suspected" of being illegal aliens, and use police to enforce the immigration laws, enforce immigration laws vis a vis an adequate document check when people apply for work. This is a gentler way to work this issue.

Do you care what your classmates or co-workers say/think about you?

If you classmates or co-workers do not like you because of you are less attractive would it bother you. There is a guy that I work with and some of the people do not like him because he is not the most attractive. And because he is not the most attractive, he is not well respected by the other co-workers. It seems like in today's world if you aren't the most handsome or the most beautiful, people aren't going to have much respect for you.

What Play Yard is the best for a toddler?

I have a regular pack N Play. No bells or whistles... And I loved this for my newborn/infant but now that she is almost 1 year, the little mattress is very flimsy. I need a Play Yard or Pack N Play that is sturdy for my little one to play and sleep in without the mattress sagging almost on to the support bars underneath. My daughter will be sleeping in one for up to 7 months and I want her to be safe and comfy. Are all Play Yards like this? Or do you know of one that fits my needs?

Universal Orlando annual pass replacement?

I have an annual pass for Universal Orlando.. but they gave me my pass in a flimsy paper ticket form. It got wet and fell apart.. and now is now functional. Will they charge me to replace this? It's not exactly my fault! I thought pass holders got plastic!

Large format net prints?

Yes you can. I know of 600gsm of white art glossy or matt board. Try a href="" rel="nofollow"

Please Help, i think my dad is cheating on my mum?

I know this kind of things can be really tough....I know this is not the best to do but this is what i've did/benn doing is to ignore it and move on with ur life....this is the kind think that u dont wanna point out and tell ur mom cuz it could ruin everything i guess it's the best that ur mom doesnt find out...Good luck i wish u the best

Should I come out to my.. Peers?

why deny awesome Jesus , all he is about is free love. maybe that school told you other things but in reality Jesus just want you to accept his everlasting love. Before you start coming out do some soul searching . Ask your self do you want a friend who will never judge , and always love you?

Kickboxing question help?

I went to a place that does kickboxing today to sign up and and whatever, and when I walked in I watched for a moment and then went up to talk to someone. It was a karate guy and he seemed pretty nice. He told me to go talk to the other guy who runs the place, so he came over and seemed a bit snobby but whatever and then went to go get some info papers. So I was standing there and then people started looking at me like I was dirt. Why? Is it normal for no one to like you when you first sign up for this sport? I'm not going till a few days when the next class is, and I know I'll get my *** kicked a few times, but really.. are they all going to hate me? I'm pretty strong and fast and whatnot, I'm not one of those stupid flimsy kids. But honestly.. what is going on here.. is this a good place to do kickboxing..? I kinda want to really go now so I can get better and then beat them all. Oh look, a goal. But I guess I was wondering if this is normal atmosphere for a kickboxing place? Will I earn respect eventually or be foreveralone and disliked there?

Is this a good beginning of a story?

Oh for crying out loud, enough with the mirror stare scenes. Can't you think of another way to describe your characters?

Question on breakage?

As I was reading this, I thought, "Oh gosh how many thousands of dollars worth of stuff was ruined?" I would just offer $100 and see what they say. I would also bring this up to the person who owns the spaces and tell them next time, you will sue them for faulty walls or something. The dividers should be sturdy enough for expected use, and apparently they are not.

Do you agree with the lady in the evening gown on Red Eye that Gloria Alfred prompted Rep. Wiener to resign?

I seriously doubt that Alred has prompted anyone to do anything. She is every bit or more the moron that Weener is.

Nose piercing problem?

Well here's the deal. I got my nose pierced about 6 weeks ago. About 3 weeks ago, a bump appeared by the piercing. It was a little sore and I did a little research and discovered that the bump is very common. I've been putting warm compresses on it a few times a day. All is good, right? Well, not exactly. Yesterday I caught my piercing on my headband and nearly yanked the whole thing out of my nose. It bled, then scabbed and now I not only have the first bump, but there's a second bump next to the first. I don't know what to do. I really don't want to take my piercing out, but I don't want to get a bad infection either. It's been sore, obviously and it looks gross to me. Has anyone else had this problem before????

Is my COACH bag real or fake?

if there's c's on the inside aswell as the outside then it is fake . they either put it on the inside or outside , never both . also , there should be a little tag on the inside that has some numbers in it .

How many runs will the Yanks beat the CUB$ by tonight?

dont you mean how pathetic the yankees will get beat? I am sure by at least 7....the yankees are really and truly pathetic.

What video was tosh and his coworkers watching on tosh.0?

the end of the episode where the turtle kid gets a web redemption,... he shows himself and his co workers watching a video but he doesnt say what it is. what vid was we watching ? did he ever say?

Why is my girlfriend mad at me for being honest?

Hi people, can someone explain to me why my girlfriend is so mad at me for telling the truth to her. Today she was trying on jeans and asked me if they made her look fat, so I told her yes. She got really mad and started to cry, I told her to stop crying because she looks really ugly when she cries. Then she hit me and I told her that her flimsy arms won't do much damage to me. She started to cry again, so I pulled out here pepper spray, shouted "Sally! Sally! Why are you doing this to me?" and then I pepper sprayed myself in the eyes. She ran out of our apartment screaming, what is wrong with her? What should I do?

Which of the two parties, on the opposite sides of the Atlantic, are more left wing?

America is a very right-wing country. Your Democrats are to the right of the Conservative party, let alone Labour.

He said if I liked him less, he'd be nicer to me?

He probably had no idea he was crossing the line. Now that he knows where the line is, I think it'd be good to give him a second chance and accept his apology (But don't give him many chances after that). If he really wants to make it work, he'll try his best not to go overboard again.

If you go into illustration,do you have to do it solely by freelance?

Illustration really seems right for me,but everyone complains about how touch being a freelancer is.I am a hard worker,but can you be hired at a business or something,or are you always self-employed in this field?

Should i bring an extra pair of shorts for dorney park?

You get soaked on all 3of the water ridesvin thevdide park, thunder creek mtn, log ride, and white water landing

Would You not Leave if this was you?

My mother in law is driving me mad, I live with her and my husband. She has asked my co workers if I am a good employee,she has copied my current occupation. She has had my husband in tears many times, because she does not keep her promises. She gossips about us a lot, one time our neighbor approached me and asked how my job was going and how I like my new car. I have never met this woman in my life. The latest B.S. she pulled on us was talking about my brother to her neighbor and YELLING at me to apologize for asking the neighbor why certain things were said about my family to my brothers EMPLOYER!! omg do you believe this women??? do you blame me for leaving her and possibly my husband, because of her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I don't get Answers, I don't know what to do!?

(Repeated question, I didn't get an answer before) So I have this person in my life that means the world to me, I don't have parents that are supportive, they are alcoholics and are verbally/emotionally abusive towards me. I'm 13 years old and I talk to a child and youth worker sometimes. But my Best friend is an adult in the school, she's always their for me and takes me in when I need someone to talk to. I have no one in my life, but her. Over the last semester, We have talked for hours every week for about 3-4 months now. She's like a mom I didn't really have. She knows that as well and she loves me like a daughter too. Now it's the summer and i'm hurting so much, I have NO ONE for 2 months I can't stay in touch with her obviously until i have graduated, she said she hates the rules and believes they are unfair but has to follow them. I understand, but it hurts like crazy, I miss her already and its only the first day! I'm in her class this september until February (but after february ill still be able to see her) and she says were going to spend time talking in during all next semesters. Can someone give me some tips on what to do?

After acrylics, what do I do? My nails are so thin!!?

My nails are thin and flimsy by nature. For my wedding 2 months ago, I got my first set of acrylics, and have been keeping up with them since then, getting fills every 2 weeks. The other day, about 1/4 of one of my artificial nails broke off, and the nail underneath is tissue-thin and wanting to peel and tear. I have been wearing a band-aid over it, and I need to know what to do next. I'd be great with getting the acrylics off if I knew what was the best treatment for keeping my nails strong while they grow out. After a lot of internet reading, it seems silk might be the way to go, but I just don't know. Any suggestions? I need to do something soon! I do know I have thoroughly enjoyed freedom from nails tearing in the pink and bleeding since I go the acrylics, but now I feel like a slave to them. Help!

Should I break up with my boyfriend, humiliated me?

this guy is very genuin! i dont think you should break up with him. I understand your embarrasment completely! but at the same time this guy has semt you flowers and has never pressured you before. why end someting that is good? he apolgized a million times and sent flowers while most guys would just wait until you felt comfortable with out doing anything. make up

How come the Yankees seem to dominate everyone except for the Red Sox?

They've won three in a row against a Cleveland team that had the second best record in the AL, are poised to sweep the series, and have a winning record against every other team in the league. Why is is that the Yanks can't seem to make it work against the Sox?

So you have a dead snake and over there.....?

This area had an overgrowth of vegetation. They saw a dead rattlesnake, so you would believe there could be live rattlesnakes in the vegetation. Kronk did what I would do, he called the police to report a possible skull and told them where. He didn't go walking around in a bunch of brush and weeds. I wouldn't either.

What kind of compost bin should I get?

The build your own is a great way for lots of leaves and kitchen and garden scraps. I just dig a hole two feet deep (winter and summer) and when it's full,I cover it up and dig another. I haven't composted in years and my Roma tomatoes are as big as a baseball. In Nevada. Read books by Ruth Stout (sister of Rex Stout) and she'll (now deceased) teach you easy ways to compost

Monday, July 18, 2011

What will it take for Democrats/Liberals/Socialists to see that their ideas are failures?

When will conservatives join us in the 21st century. Your conservative ways don't apply in a world moving faster than you can keep up.

I think this guy is following me?

Everyday I go to work, I see this guy, I think he follows me. I never heard of him working so I don't think that's likely. He just sort of stares at me blankly, straightens his tie then walks off. I tried to follow him once, but he went behind a door, which was then locked. I see him looking at me from catwalks and windows. It's creeping me out. He looks like one of those generic people, just wearing a suit and carrying a brief case. Maybe he is some kind of gman (government worker)?

Is it ok to have a glass of wine during a out to eat lunch with co-workers?

We are going to this nice restaurant for lunch to celebrate a co-workers retirement. I am wondering what is the educate when it comes to having a drink during a work day? I am not trying to get drunk but thought it would be nice to have wine with a nice meal. This is the US if it matters.

94 buick lesaber ac compressor problem! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!?

i bought the car and i was told it needed a new i replaced that and charged the system..come to find out the ac compressor wasnt even plugged i found the plug(it was blue) and plugged it in and it dident work i unplugged it and but my test light to the plug and it wasnt getting i jacked the car up and followed the ac wires and i found a red plug hanging down there.i put my test light on that and it only gets power when the ac is switched on..but i cannot for the life of me find were this red plug goes...then there is two other wires comming out of the same spool of wires.. one goes into one of the metal pipes eather high or low i cant really tell..and when i unplug that both fans spin like crazy even with the ac off..then the last small little wire goes off to what looks to be a o2 sensor but i coundent seem to get it unplugged and it felt a bit flimsy...but my main concern is where the heck does that red plug go??? can anyone help please im in south florida and its steaming hot my newborn son is sweating when we go out.....thanks god bless

What do you think I should do?

Unless you want your daughter to grow up thinking that that is the way that women should be treated, leave him. He doesn't want to change and he won't. Instead he will just get worse and worse and you will start feeling trapped. Any man that will physically injure his wife and think it is okay is an abuser.

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!???? (PS... WE are NOT Married and never were.

Should i try to get my ex back if he is willing to change?

You already said you were straight with why you dumped him. Guys don't really care for the explanation as much as girls do . . . it either works or it doesn't. Period. If you broke up on good terms all the better. Why are you expecting this guy NOW to change to make a relationship better for you? You got to take them as they are, they can only fake change for so long before the best of them takes over and their true colors show thru. If he is not the guy you would date as is, sorry, you can not take him to a tailor and have him altered.

Future Employer Scheduled a Meeting with me, then didn't show. Should I talk to upper management?

You did mess up by not looking for more opportunities. Here's what you do. Call the store director and set up a meeting with him. Then call the security department head and tell her that you have a meeting set up with the store director at a particular time and you would like her to be there. She will show up.

What does a Child Protective Service worker inspect at a house?

My one yr fell and I took him to the hospital for precaution at the hospital they called CPS even though he was fine & was just cuts and scrapes. Now they won't let him come home until they do an inspection. What do they generally look at?

2nd inflatable pool bought in two days and isn't keeping it's air?

ok, one defective pool ok but two? I bought a different style and company to be sure. We blew it in and 20 mins later it's losing air and getting flimsy. I can't put water in that? Why is it doing that? I'm getting fed up.

Big and tall cotton work shirts for tropical climate?

My boyfriend is going to be spending 3 weeks in the country of Honduras on an archaeological dig, during the month of July. The dress code specifies long-sleeved shirts that button down the front, and the shirts must be 100% cotton. I also need shirts like this in 2X large, extra-tall. I am having trouble finding shirts made of this description that are made with durability in mind--all I can find are flimsy dress shirts. This needs to be a work shirt. Any sources for online purchase, or national stores that would carry this sort of thing? Thanks.

How do I tell my MIL that the stupid toy is broken?

to sum up my MIL, she's a *****, no exaggeration, she's a *****, a few examples are she told my hubby he was shooting blanks, said he should get a sex change and told her husband to punch my husband while he was holding her son and while I was pregnant with our daughter. so needless to say she gets even more bitchy if something she spent her good money on got broken, so last christmas she got my son a drum set, it was for 3 and up and my son was barely 2, it was made of flimsy plastic and has broken, she keeps asking about it! all the time asking if he plays with it, how much he likes it and such, I've been telling her he plays with it all the time but she has this annoying habit of snooping through our house when she comes over and its only a matter of time before she notices its not here, suggestions?

I killed a mouse and I feel horrible?

My cat brought back a mouse and a put a box over it so it couldnt go anywhere. I got my cat out of the room and took off the box to try to catch it. The mouse ran outside and wedged itself under the stair to my front door. I tried to push the thing along but then it got stuck. I tried pulling it out and he wouldnt budge. Suddenly his legs jumped frantically and then nothing. I yanked him out to find out he was dead. I felt hprrible because i killed him. I burried him and covered him with rose flower pedals before covering him in dirt and giving him a quick prayer. I feel horrible. Its weird i dont really care when humans die but when i hear of animals dying it makes me sad. I feel so bad do you think im a bad person to have killed him?

If someone hit their wife( just a question), would the police need physical proof to make an arrest?

Assuming the person did not admit to it, and there was no witnesses. Im just curious how flimsy the law is, if they just take people's words for stuff.

To all Atheists, Agnostics, Evolutionists, and so on:?

I just wanted to let you guys know that most Christians are not the loud spoken, obnoxious, hypocritical, angry, mean, selfish, close minded people many make us out to be. 95% of us respect you guys and just hope you guys do the same for us. We're not out to start fights and arguments and shake our fingers at everyone telling them they are going to hell. We just want to live good lives, as you do, and we love you as our peers and co workers. I really do apologize for the other 5% or so of psycho's that you see on the news or on the streets or even find on this site that just try to tell you that you are wrong and we are right. You just don't hear from us often because the crazy "Christians" are so loud and out there pushing their own agenda's and we don't want to be associated with them. I'm really sorry for bad experiences with so called "Christians" and I just wanted to hopefully somewhat set a little bit of a record straight. I wish we could all concentrate more on the positive things that connect us rather than our differences of opinion and beliefs.

He said if I liked him less, he'd be nicer to me?

You technically cant "dump" someone youre just casually seeing and excuse my language but "sleeping with". Been in your position, and you should get out of it right away because it'll bite you in the end. Go out with someone who's proud to have you with them, and someone who's willing to commit.

I pulled my processor out, is it broken?

How many times have you tried to re-seed the CPU/Heatsink? Have you only tried to put it back in the one time? If so, I would take it out again, and again try to put it back in. Perhaps when you were re-seeding it, you didn't quite get it in there properly. That would be the first thing I would try at the very least.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play v Sony Ericsson Arc?

of course sony ericsson xperia arc is better then xperia play in features of camera xperia arc has 8 MP camera and xperia play has 5 MP camera

Would any of you read this? Please rate&read :/?

Well, i think you should make the story go on for a little longer, like After she robs the bank and kills the men, you could still do the part where they have to flee to another country, change their names, for they are wanted criminals in the USA now... You could make it like really stress full i love those kind of stories. Very well written though :D

Good Idea to Wrap This?

So as a going away present for my boyfriend, I drew this really nice charcoal picture of 'holding hands'. I sprayed the picture with special spray so it would not smudge, but I didn't want to take the chances of handing it to him directly and it being ruined. I wanted to wrap it and put it in one of those present bags along with a frame. The paper is so flimsy however that I'm not sure if wrapping it would be such a good idea. I don't want to put it in the picture frame in case he doesn't want it framed either. What is another way I could "wrap" the picture to give to him. It means a lot. 10 points to best answer. :) Thanks

Sunday, July 17, 2011

PLEASE: help me and my sister?

if it was me i would want you to put me out of my misery... telll grandma to accept zeus as her savior he will help her

Ex husband called CPS for a dog bite?

Maybe you should be a woman and stop battling for a child you created together. You both have equal rights and the government shouldn't be working out your immature problems. CSP is nothing but bullshit mafia that will take the kid away from one of you and put the other in position to be jailed. I suggest you dumb asses work out your differences and act like adults that can handle a simple sharing situation.

Which one is safer in a tornado?

Which is safer in a tornado, being in a half-basement that has a flimsy garage door, or being in a brick house that's fully above ground? I'm thinking if the huge garage door were ripped out someone could be sucked out of the half-basement, but the brick house is level or even above level with the ground. Thanks.

GUYS: Lingerie, yay or nay?

Guys, do you really like all the fancy, frilly, lacy things? Or is it something us women buy to feel sexy? I spent a small fortune on new little flimsy things only to wear them for about 5 minutes before they were on the ground. What's the point of spending the money on lingerie if you guys just take it off of us? My man says it's just getting in the way of his ultimate goal. Do you guys really care? Ladies can answer too, does your man care one way or the other as long as you get nekkid?

How big does a guinea pig cage have to be?

I have a female, adult guinea pig and I am planning to build a C & C cage for her. Store bought cages always seem to be a bit flimsy and too small. What is the minimum cage size for 1 guinea pig? Any tips, links, instructions, or material lists (please mention where to buy the items) would be greatly appreciated! I really don't have any experience with this type of stuff, so I could use some help! :P Thanks SO much in advance! :)

WoW profession double-timing question...?

Ok so one of my characters in WoW is over 300 in skinning and so I have a huge variety of leathers that I can't do anything with (besides selling of course), because being dumb like me, I chose herbalism to go along with it instead of leather-working. Most things that leather-workers make say they "bind when equipped". So I was wondering if it's possible to send all my leathers to a newly-created character who would have leather-working as their profession, and then make something (let's say a bag) and and send it back to my main character? Without equipping it of course... Or do things you hand-make automatically equip?

Are Aries guys the most judgmental? Why?

I went out with an aries guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better... He expected me to literally be this "perfect" girl...

Cat mating question? very curiouse?

My female cat is in heat and there are many males that come to my window and hisses and growls at them I've allowed one it and she totally rejected him but one male cat in particular she doesn't like him on a normal day but right now that she's in heat she don't hiss at him she rolls around the dirt and he meows then grabs her by the neck and they to do there thing before I yank her from question is why is it that she hates all th other male cats and she will allow this one to get her?? I mean the other cats are handsome too lol

What is the best brand of teeth whitening trays?

I just got my braces off today. :) I am going to whiten my teeth so what is the best brand of whitening trays (the plastic ones filled with gel, not the flimsy sheets with gel lining on the inside) and how much do they cost on average? Also, have you heard about the 2-day whitening strips? Do they work, and how much do they cost?

Which one is safer in a tornado?

Which is safer in a tornado, being in a half-basement that has a flimsy garage door, or being in a brick house that's fully above ground? I'm thinking if the huge garage door were ripped out someone could be sucked out of the half-basement, but the brick house is level or even above level with the ground. Thanks.

I was just denied a work related accomadation from my employer do i qualify for UI benifits?

i was on workers comp. for a year due to job related injury, now im being denied a work accomodation

What should I do with this present?

As a joke for my 16th birthday my friends bought me this flimsy thong. Now I'm stuck with it. I don't want to wear it, I'm not that sort of girl. Can I give it to me older cousin? She's a part time stripper.

Have you been out with someone who expected perfection/high expectations from you?

I went out with a guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better...

When should I kiss my girlfriend?

I want to kiss her so bad. And I'll be seeing her a lot in 2 days but she'll be around her friends n junk and I don't want to kiss her in front of them obviously. I've kissed a girl once before but this girl I'm dating now is flippin amazing. She's gorgeous, funny, great personality and likes the stuff I like! But I don't know how to just yank her away from the other people and kiss her. (ps this is her first kiss so I want it to be special for her AND me) I just don't know how to do it. We'll be outside a lot and I just need some advice thanks! P.P.S I'm really falling for this girl and it's harder to be myself because I want to be so perfect for her any tips on how to be my funny self?

I think this guy is following me?

Everyday I go to work, I see this guy, I think he follows me. I never heard of him working so I don't think that's likely. He just sort of stares at me blankly, straightens his tie then walks off. I tried to follow him once, but he went behind a door, which was then locked. I see him looking at me from catwalks and windows. It's creeping me out. He looks like one of those generic people, just wearing a suit and carrying a brief case. Maybe he is some kind of gman (government worker)?

Would you be upset if...your coworkers did this?

I think it would have been better if they had asked you and the fourth woman to go in with them. Maybe they happened to be somewhere together, saw something they thought would be the ideal gift, and bought it. It is understandable for you to be mildly upset, but it is not important enough to create an issue.

Do you care what your classmates or co-workers say/think about you?

If you classmates or co-workers do not like you because of you are less attractive would it bother you. There is a guy that I work with and some of the people do not like him because he is not the most attractive. And because he is not the most attractive, he is not well respected by the other co-workers. It seems like in today's world if you aren't the most handsome or the most beautiful, people aren't going to have much respect for you.

Help! My peony was destroyed.?

You should replant it immediately and keep it moist but not too wet. Also, you should tell your boyfriend that if he can't identify a plant he should not assume it's a weed.

Should my sister give me "her" speakers?

Okay so this week was a terrible week... i yanked on my headphones by accident while they were plugged into my computer so now only one side works, than lol today I like... picked up my headset and they broke it was really weird... and the sound on them wasn't working but the MIC still does so I still use that, and when I plug my USB speakers in, it kills the MIC, no sound will go through the MIC regardless of settings! well unless I'm missing something... So my sister has these really nice speakers that weren't even hers to begin with... but when playing games I like to talk to my friends which I can't do if I can't hear them, she only uses the speakers to plug her headphones in which I've tried the difference between the speakers and the computer audio jacks and theirs no difference in sound quality! And here's the best part, I'm not asking to keep them I just want to borrow them until I get some new headphones which she's still disagreeing with... if you were in my shoes what would you do?

Someone called DCF/CPS on us and DCF is wanting to see proof our child is up to date on shots?

I have heard from reliable sources that your kids do not HAVE to have the shots, and that one could legally say it is for religious reasons. I think you may have to get a note from a pastor possibly. I know several people who never got their kids shots for different reasons. You do have that right.

Did you watch the President Obama 60 Minutes Interview yesterday?

It was a fascinating interview and sheds more light on what led up to the raid of the Osama Bin Laden's Compound. Intelligence was very flimsy, and they did not know whether that Compound housed Osama Bin Laden or a Saudi Prince, but President Obama made the decision on the chance that Osama Bin Laden was there. They did not tell Pakistan in advance of the raid. If you missed the Interview, you can go to You Tube and watch it, or go to

Can I Sue this restaurant or put them out of business?

My grandmother and I went out to lunch at an asian buffet called Sakura Buffet in Lancaster, CA. My grandmother and I noticed that there was flies going into the food. But sadly it was after we at a little bit of food. We both think that we ate some flies that we didn't see. My grandma told one of the workers and all they did was fan the flies away!!! I felt so disgusted. After a while we started throwing up and had to go to the bathroom.We think it's food poisoning. It' not like were greedy or anything but this place needs to be shutdown!

How can I be more creative?

It all depends on your thesis. What are you arguing? Why is this significant? Why should you use a reel of film, or a memory card recording your work? And why should the world care about what you have done. As long as you have a thesis, how are you going to argue this in your film. Every detail matters. Why is the shadow there, why is that man walking by, what do those letters mean. Why did that person say that at that moment. If you studied Hitchcock's vertigo, you should notice his meticulous choices to argue his many points. This is how you get creative. Know the significance of the cinematic choices you make. Make sure it supports your argument. And maintain a level of originality so that it stays interesting even to the harshest critic. This way there will be no doubt you will succed in your film.

Fear of damaging air vents during cleaning?

we live in a mobile home amd our vents need cleaning bad. my fear is that since they are just the flimsy foily vents that they will be easily damaged during cleaning. how do they clean these kind of vents?

Kitten bleeding from nose and vagina ?

My 12weeks old kitten is bleeding from her nose and vagina, it seems her leg is hurting as well. She will be taken to the vets but wondering if anyone has had same experience or know what it could be? She is flimsy when I pick her up but she is eating drinking and purring. She just can't move but I don't understand why she is bleeding...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why are my fingernails clear?

So, I grew out my natural nails because I can't stand fake ones. I used to be a nail-bitter, and then stopped chewing. Like I said, I grew out my nails, and now they are about half an inch away from my fingertip. They are clear also, and very flimsy. Is this natural, or do I need to add something to my diet to gain healthier and stronger nails? Is it because of my biting them? Thanks for your nice answers :D

Deposit for a photographer for a wedding?

If no contract was signed, and no receipt was given, your "photographer" should be able to give you the money back. Also, depending on how long ago the check was written and cashed, you could always put a stop on the check and get it back that way lol. She doesn't sound very legit or professional, especially if she didn't have a contract or give a a receipt upon payment of the deposit.

Is there a way to heal ripped tissue in a belly ring?

I got my navel pierced on my birthday march 5. One day i guess my dogs foot got caught on the ring and she sorta yanked it and now there's not huge but i tiny piece of skin that hangs or sticks out of my belly ring and its lik a round bulgypiece of skin im not sure wat it is but its not really tht bad it bleeds alot wen i take the ring out. I really don't wanna take it out and let it heal then get it repirced. I just need it to heal. What can i do abt this and still keep my belly ring????

Can you return stuff you buy on Petco online?

I recently bought a Midwest Black E-Coat Exercise Pen and I found it way too flimsy. I am trying to return it to Petco for my money back, but I can't because I bought it online and I have no receipt. Is there any way I can return it to Petco without the receipt? or can I obtain the receipt on Petco's website?

Why are Wealthy Republicans here in the South West responsible for illegal immigration?

It's cheaper to hire illegals and pay them low wages under the table than to pay half of a legal persons SSN and pay enough for them to pay taxes. That's how Republicans operate. They believe in illegal immigration if it benefits them. Simply put ... GREED

I wrote a poem. Is it a poem?

If you cover one eye and squint at it in a dimly lit coal bunker then it looks quite a lot like a giraffe felating Michael Jackson's corpse.

One Brit guy told me that, "how does it feel to have the US lose and get your a** kicked by the VC?

UK got kick out of every country they colonized, US, Guyana, Jamacia, India, Australia, Canada, St Lucia, So. Africa, to name a few. We knew about the tunnels during the war, thats why we had tunnel rats to search the tunnels. We were baited into that war by the French loosing first in Vietnam. The only war the british have won in 200 years by themselves is Falklands. Big deal. The war the British have had is primarily domestic against IRA.

Does the unborn baby count as another person when your signing up for medicaid/healthy start?

I'm trying to sign up for healthy start here in Ohio because I can not work(due to another health issue) and my husband is the only one that works. The state keeps denying us and saying there is only two and the baby does not count until the it is born. I was told by a former jobs and family service worker that they should be counting the baby as another person. Is that true or have things since changed? Ive looked on the official site and it does not say anything bout whether the baby counts or not. Anyone know or somewhere it tells you? Thank you

I think condoms are too thin?

They are super thin these days and they are still very effective. However leaving a condom in the heat isn't recommended and you shouldn't use them when they have been in the heat, in a wallet as these contribute to them breaking.

Why would Brian Gordon start for the Yankees over David Phelps or Hector Noesi?

Might as well start Kei Igawa right? Might as well bring back Kevin Brown out of retirement or warm up the phone for Jaret Wright. Thatta boy Yanks.

Do You Think I'm a Good Writer?

It needs work. You don't need a colon when you're introducing dialogue for Hunter. Your use of personification in the beginning when you're describing the bike was a little awkward and strange. Your writing doesn't flow nicely.

Why did he say this to me?

If you really like him stay with him but if he seemed like he was just playinq about the qolf and lipstick thinqs then forqive him I mean he did say sorry but if the moment he said those mean thinqs if he seemed serious then dump him but if he seemed like he was just playinq stay with him quys like to play around with us (x

Clothes storage ideas anyone?

I'm redecorating my room, and I want to get rid of my massive wardrobe! Does anyone have any suggestions of how I could store my clothes? I want something small and simple. Was looking at canvas wardrobes but they look a little flimsy. What are clothes rails like? Would anyone recommend them?? Help!! x

Can I force my employer to give my co workers and I PTO?

see.... heres where your problem is.... you cannot FORCE anyone to do anything. especially PTO... thats not a right to you. so to answer your question, no

If a foster parent chose to put survivor benefits in a trust for the child...?

Money placed in a trust for a child in foster care may not be used by anyone without the authorization of the trustee in charge of managing the account. The point of the trust is to keep the funds in reserve until the child reaches an age specified in the trust, at which time he/she may receive distributions from it. None of their foster parents, now or in the future, can access the money.

Can't motivate myself...?

Sounds like your pursuing jobs where you lack an interest. Do some soul searching and look for where your passion lies. Finding this is harder then any job application but it will lead to to a greater satisfaction in life. Whats something that you lose track of time doing? These tend to be the tasks you have a passion for. When you have a genuine interest in something the motivation will be natural. Hope i'm not off base and this helps. If your still having a hard time figuring out what jobs or a career your interested in you can take a myer-brigs personality test online and it will determine you personality type. From there you can look up careers ideal for your personally type according to the test, it helped me. It might be up your ally since you seam to enjoy procrastinating ;p

Okay to take on an airplane?

The cables should be fine, but the tripod for some reason is "a weapon." I tried this before :P I find it incredibly rediculous, anything is a weapon as long as you hold it right.

I'm a cashier in Target and one of my Gstl doesn't like me, well she never did.?

Take it to HR before this woman gets you fired. Don't make the same mistake she is and let the personal stuff interfere with your job.

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!????

Republicans: If your wife or mother died of breast cancer due to Blue Cross terminating her insurance on a?

Most would probably say 'tough luck". I don't think health care should be a business. I also think that this country will eventually have a single-payer system, with private insurance available to those who want it.

Barbizon? Should I try it out or what?

i was just at Target today and a lady came up to us and gave us a slip about this thing coming up on Sunday. She works at Barbizon. i'm not sure if i should go. i never thought about modeling or anything. cause when i was at the store i was looking pretty crappy too. my hair was a mess. (even though she said my hairstyle was cute. that's ridiculous! it was rather dry and i hadn't showered yet!) i just threw on clothes. i walked all flimsy cause my back was sore. i have little scars on my face from picking at pimple scabs thingys. was the lady desperate or what? i don't know if i should take it seriously.

Which chromebook should I get?

I have set my mind on getting a google chromebook to replace my iPad and I have had my mind set on the SAMSUNG on all along. However, the ACER chromia verison of the laptop seems appealing for both the price and the ruggedness. I feel like the SAMSUNG one is going to be a fingerprint-magnet and regardless of it's shininess, I have heard reviews already claiming that the SAMSUNG chromebook feels flimsy, cheap. So.... what should I go with?

How to get a leopard gecko out of its hide?

I'm cleaning my geckos tank and changing the reptile carpet and I want to clean his hide because he left part of a cricket in there along with some... waste. I don't want to grab and yank him out of there in fear that I'll hurt him or freak him out (and that he'll possibly shed his tail). So how should I go about doing this? Thanks in advance.

Do i need a data plan (Internet/Email) to use the Droid X on Verizon?

I've looked online(Verizon's website and blogs) and everyone says that you do need a data plan. Also everyone says you need a data plan to use the Samsung Rogue, but i have the Samsung Rogue and i do NOT have a data plan. I have calling (obviously), unlimited texting, picture messaging (not unlimited), and am able to purchase ringtones, that's it! I was in the middle of a 2-year contract with a flip phone and decided to pay the full price for the Rogue. I deactivated my old flip phone and activated the Rogue on the same plan (same number and everything) at home using the activation directions paper i got from a worker at the Verizon store. It worked and it came with some apps such as Facebook and Myspace, which i already knew i wouldn't be able to use because i don't have a data plan (Internet/Email). Which brings me to my question, if i do the same thing by deactivating the Rogue, buy the Droid X at the full price and use the activation directions at home to activate it on my existing No Internet/Email plan, will i be able to use the Droid X just without the internet and email? Please don't tell me that using the Droid X without internet is pointless.... i don't care, i just need to know if this way will work just like the Rogue did even though it says the Rogue needs a data plan too. Thx.

How is your Starbucks?

If you are a regular Starbucks goer how us your service typically? And how often does your beverage get screwed up? Mine gets messed up a lot it seems just silly things, I can tell they were just not listening lol Starbucks deticates a lot of time promoting customer service to the workers, do you find them premo when it comes to service?

Friday, July 15, 2011

How can i make my 3yr old daughter pay attention to me?

I think the two answers above are the best answers I've heard so far. And being impatient and frustrated all the time isn't going to help matters any.

Questions on hooking bass?

The best way to be a better fisherman is to go fishing. Every fish is different, but the best way I can explain it when bobber fishing is when the bobber goes down slowly reel in the slack until you feel the fish and give it a good tug. After its on the hook give it another upwards tug just to be sure while keeping the line tight the whole time. hope this helps.

Should I call child protection services?

I have this friend, we used to work together and we are not as close as we used to be but we still see eachother once or twice a month, she has two boys one is 8 the other is 6 and they have some severe behavior problems. Both of them have had numerous run ins with police and the juvenile system and to be honest my heart breaks for them. Their father was abusive to their mom (physically and emotionally) and last year he became extremely sick and has been slowly dying in a nursing home ever since. Instead of dealing with their questions/grief/behavior shes too busy enjoying her new freedom now that her abusive husband is dying. I was there one day and her 8 yr old son exposed himself to my 4 yr old daughter. She beat him with a broom stick. I have personally heard her tell her children she hates them and wishes they would die and when I confronted her she said "well they say it to me!" She has been known to abuse morphine pills (not in excess) and she wont discipline them. She takes them to a neighbors house and lets the neighbor do it (the neighbor pulls their tongues out with pliers until they are screaming in pain). The scary thing is, she puts up a false front. She has regular visits with a psr worker yet pretends shes this loving mother with unruley kids and she blames them for their outbursts. Should I turn her in to CPS and do you think anything would even come of it seeing as a social worker visits her but sees nothing going on?

If it were true that conservatives were racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, stupid, inflexible, angry, and...?

this is just a steriotype and a bad one at that. most all conservatives arn't really any of these things

Safest way to use Flatening Iron?

Sounds to me like your taking pretty good care of your hair. I don't believe starting in a different place when ironing changes the amount of damage it causes.

My mom is being bullied at her work because she can't speak english very well?!?

it's starting to piss me off. she's smart and came here as an immigrant from korea... she's 43 and a nurse for senior home care, which is very diffulcult but she struggled her way up without knowing any english, now her co workers are bulling her for having a ******* accent... what can i do? i'm 14 thanks!

HELP!! 6 wks pregnant, getting endless advice from co-workers and friends and I'm going crazy?

Everyone is just as excited as you are about the news. My first reaction to friend and family pregnancies is to give them all the advice I can and buy them tons of adorable baby clothes! However I always stop myself. I'm sure the parents would like to have fun dressing THEIR child, so I opt for a gift card. And baby advice can wait for the baby shower during advice cards. Next time people try and give you advice, just tell them that you'd like to figure things out on their own just like they did. :)

Modify Generator Fuel Shut-Off Assembly?

You can find many different types of threaded fuel shut-off valves in shops that deal with scooters and mopeds that will work plus be a lot safer.

Sam's Club or Safeway?

I would like to have a temporary job at either of these places as a cashier, a few months after graduating High School. I would probably be working there for 2-3 years while I am getting my Associate's Degree from college. Which of these two would offer a higher salary from the start? About how much money would I make per hour? Which is most likely to employ a first-time worker? Would anyone happen to know roughly how many hours I would work per week? Thanks, in advance.

Am I civilly liable for trying to get someone fired?

I am currently facing criminal harassment charges for contacting a person's job and sharing information (all true) about their alcohol abuse and psychiatric issues in an attempt to get them fired. They were put on probation--not fired--and then terminated months later when the employer laid off 10% of it's workers. My lawyer has said I'm lucky to not be facing a civil suit for the lost job as well. If this were to be pursued, on what legal grounds could I be liable? What kind of damages could I face? Also this would be in Maryland court if it matters.

Poll: Has a teacher ever made you cry?

When I was in 5th grade my teacher made me cry because she screamed at me in front of the entire class, then took me by the arm and yanked me into the hallway and proceeded to yell at me in the hallway loud enough for everyone to hear D:

What do you say - agree or disagree?

It takes thousand workers 2 build a castle, Million soldiers to protect a country, but just One woman 2 make a Happy Home --------- A Good Maid!

Is it ok if I was in REALLY big pain while the dentist was trying to pull my tooth out?

Ok, so i was at the dentist. They gave me two numb shots. then they took that tool trying to extract my tooth. but it HURTED SO BAD! they were trying to yank it out for 4 whole minutes. they kept trying and trying to yank it with the tool. and it KILLED me... the pain was horrible. my mouth wasn't even numbed. it hurted sooo bad to the point where i wanted to scream and cry. like seriously, after two shots , they spend FOUR WHOLE minutes just trying to yank it out and they did. is that normal ?

Are European interrail tickets a card, or a paper ticket like a normal train ticket?

I hate having flimsy paper tickets, and my interrail ticket is a month long for every country in Europe. Surely they wont send me a paper ticket which could get lost or tear!!

Is this ticket worth fighting?

I turned onto a street with residential permit parking. A worker from the parking authority saw me make this turn and saw that I had stopped. As I'm waiting for a friend, she starts making her way to my car where she then hands me a ticket. I asked her why she gave me the ticket and she replied, "I already wrote the ticket and didn't know you where in there"! Is this unethical? Do I just pay the damn ticket?

Me versus the MIL - who do you think is right here?

Whenever my mother took my daughter somewhere, I simply moved our car seat into my mom's car and installed it for her. I wouldn't expect or require a grandparent (or anyone else) to buy and install something in order to travel with my child.

Where does a graphics card get audio from besides the spdif connector for hdmi output?

really good question, i was wondering the same thing when my shitty nvidia 8400GS couldn't send audio trough HDMI with out spidf shitty cable. now im getting a ATI i hope it doesnt need a sound card or anyother stupid thing. good luck

How would you react if your friend did this?

Here's the back story. My friend Everett had long hair like mine in the beginning of the year like emo/mop like mine. Then he cut it to a buzz. So a few weeks ago we got our yearbooks and i looked at Everett's picture to see his long hair which i loved (yes i'm a guy) and my friend Emmalyn crosses out all the pictures in the yearbook of him. There's only one picture of him left in the yearbook and he crossed out some of the pictures too. And the one that's left has a pen mark down it because Emmalyn tried to cross it out but i yanked it away.

How to send art prints in the mail safely? Do not bend stickers help?

If you are really concerned, you will need to pack them properly and pay the extra shipping. Otherwise, you will be taking a chance that they will be bent. It's really out of your control whether a large envelope will be bent or not, regardless of "Do Not Bend" stickers.

What do you think of this dress?

So I got this dress from Theory and some of you may have seen it before. I'll describe it: its strapless and ends a little above my knees. It has an empire-waist and the top part is made of black silk and then a pink (a normal pink but it almost looks like hot pink against the black of the dress) sash splits the dress into the skirt and top part. The sash is already tied in a bow at the front and I'm supposed to tie it at the back myself as well. The skirt is made of a flimsy material and it poofs out a little bit, the skirt is black with small white polka dots on it. Do you think this is a good dress? Is it weird? And would it look good against my olive skin tone?

Nurses, care workers, teachers pensions attacked- what happened to MPs pensions provisions recommendations?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Child Support: Ex withholding wage information?

I have reason to believe that my ex is withholding his commissioned wages. I believe he only reported his hourly wages. I called my case worker and learned what my child support payment would be and I know he has not reported his income correctly. I know how much he makes hourly+commissions and my child support payment of $398 per month cannot be correct. He makes over $4,000 a month. Is it possible that he has only reported his hourly wages to the state??? Can I subpoena his W2's or tax returns?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I waited too long :( now what do i do?

You like him but yiour not ready tell him you like him so he doesnt loose interest in you and ask him to wait for you if he loves you he'll wait.

PS3 or 360 controller?

Okay so I have the most annoying subject when it comes to "which console " talk. So a lot of people prefer xbox or ps3 I don't really care. But which controller has the most and best controller design? I don't care about "oh ps3 comes with a free rechargable wireless battery and you gotta pay for xbox" >.> I just want to know if anyone prefers which over which out of curiousity. I prefer 360 because it feels comfortable and the toggle sticks are seperated niceley, the triggers are easy to rest your fingers on and the top buttons are easy to press. I don't prefer PS3 because the toggles are way too close to eachother (my fingers always slip off them -.-) and the buttons are annoying to press (idk if its just me but the way you press your *shapes* is pretty hard. Idk if its just me never asked anyone on that) and the triggers are to lose and my fingers fall off way too much. Its just too flimsy. And the top buttons I don't really care for. Idk I'm just curious to know who's opinions are what and see if I'm not the only one. Kthnxbai.


My Golden Retriever puppy had the same problem (except we couldn't exactly carry her) but now she walks on a leash beautifully. The key is a lot of patience. When you put her on the leash, wait for her to calm down (stop barking, pulling etc.). This may take a few minutes but she will eventually settle down. While you are waiting for her to calm down don't pull against her just firmly hold on to the leash. Once she calms down, take a few steps forward. If she follows you without going back into freakout mode, congratulations you fixed the problem. Most likely she may follow for a bit but then revert back to her old ways. If so just keep repeating the exercise and eventually you should be able to walk her. If none of this works, you can always use food. It is helpful to have someone else help you out with this. After she has calmed down, have a friend hold a treat in front of her nose as you walk forward. Once she has walked a few steps have the friend give her the treat. Repeat the process and increase the number of steps before giving the treat. By doing this, she will associate the walk with something positive. It also gives her something to focus on rather than allowing her to get anxious about walking on the leash. Hope this works for you. Good luck!

What is a good rug for a baby to crawl around on? A good gate? Also, concerns about starting-to-stand phase...?

just relax! :D My gates are from walmart, my son is always free, never had an exersaucer (don't even know what it is) or a bouncy chair, and he's only in his crib to sleep....otherwise, he's a free bird and he doesn't get hurt, it's OK :D he'll be fine crawling on wood but you could also put him in pants all the time and that will give him plenty of padding if he actually does need it...or you can buy ANY rug you want to and it will be fine. And another thing, your son WILL hurt himself alot while he explores and learns, he'll fall, bump into things, run into things etc, and its perfectly fine, it's all part of the learning process, it's how they learn boundaries and what happens when I walk into this wall and what happens when I try to push this door open with my head :D

Deposit for a photographer for a wedding?

If no contract was signed, and no receipt was given, your "photographer" should be able to give you the money back. Also, depending on how long ago the check was written and cashed, you could always put a stop on the check and get it back that way lol. She doesn't sound very legit or professional, especially if she didn't have a contract or give a a receipt upon payment of the deposit.

He said if I liked him less, he'd be nicer to me?

well you need to ask yourself this, ( Do I really want a guy that disrespects me and makes me feel bad about myself? ) that will give you your answer. oh and if he did this and apologizes then if you accept his apology then he is more likely to do it again because he will think you will forgive him again and again and it will be a never ending cycle. your choice. i know what im talking about

Why is it when i make my deliveries in town?

Men grab sandwiches on the move with a bottle of dr pepper, women like to sit down and be civilized, my mother does this and i want to eat on the move and get home quicker.

All you makeup gurus, can you please help me on my mascara hunt?

I really love the MAC Plush Lash. It builds really well and makes your lashes very long, dramatic, and volumized. Plus it's only $13

He said if I liked him less, he'd be nicer to me?

all of them. all his actions say he's controlling. He disses your makeup, he insults the way you golf when he's the on trying to teach you, he says you make him look bad and when you try to assert yourself, he won't let you. END IT. It will not be long before he becomes violent with you.

Does he like/have a crush on me..?

So there's this guy and we've just started being friends and getting to know eachother. We flirt like everyday in class and right before we leave school, he'd ask me for a hug. & it's not one of those flimsy, short hugs; they're really long & tight lol. & when I would try to leave, he'd still hold on to me & sometimes he'd say "i'm really gonna miss you". In class, we pass notes & he's the one that always starts them. He'd ask things about my previous love life, what kind of guys i like, asked if i found a new guy friend, asked if i was interested in anybody, & he also wrote that i was cute (: haha. & right now we're all stressing out about this final that counts 25% of our grade & he knows that i'm doing good in that class while he's struggling. So he asked me if we could study together & stuff this wknd & i asked "on the phone? or.." & he said he didn't know lol. But then he was like "rejected!" so i guess he meant i didn't really seem into it or because i didnt say we should meet up someplace to study? but then later i told him that i wasn't rejecting him lol and said that we should all study together this wknd or something :p I know that he's single & i know a lot of girls like him & i guess you could call him a big flirt? but i know that if he was in a relationship, he'd be really faithful and stuff. So, i'm wondering if he kinda likes me? Please help!

What should I do with this guy?

That is just sad. You are to young to be worrying about this...and an 11 year old having sex???!?!? Ew.

Railway wheels, can anyone give me a link as to how they are made?

Having an augment with some yanks that they have tyres, well I've got that, but want to see how the wheel is constructed. Not an easy search, spent over an hour so far.

What more can I do about an abusive kindergarden teacher?

My 6 year old son's kindergarten teacher yanked him by the arm and he has a really dark purple bruise which looks like finger marks. I think she probably squeezed when she yanked him. He told me he was getting a drink of water, she told him not to get anymore water when she yanked him away from the water fountain. She complains to me constantly about how many times he washes his hands and goes to the bathroom. She actually has something to complain about everyday. My son has AD-HD, and also might have Asperger's Syndrome so he is very active and curious. It's obvious that my son frustrates her and might get on her nerves. Which is no exuse to ever put her hands on my son or any other student. At the beginning of the school year I pulled him out of that class which is taught by two teachers who had advised me to do so because my son "wasn't ready" and I was so tired of the constant complaining and arguing. I mean, come on, it's kindergarten. What 5 year old doesn't like to play and stay seated without moving around? What 5 year old doesn't ask why for everything? After getting denied entry into a home-school program and after my son turned 6 I had to enroll him back into school. I told the principal, attendance clerk, and receptionist that I did not want my son back in the same class with the same teachers. They told me there wasn't any room in the other classroom and I didn't have a choice. So he went back into the same negative environment and the complaining started right up again. This time instead of arguing with the teacher's I responded by reminding them of his diagnosis and tried to say positive things about my son when they had negative things to say. When my son told me what his teacher did, how he got the bruise, I called the police before I called the school. Two officer's came to my house and had the nerve the ask my son what he did to make his teacher mad! My son told them what he told me and I told them I don't care what my son did, nobody has the right to put their hands on him. I was so upset, I didn't know what to do with myself. The officers left my home to go talk to the teacher at the school and told me to stay put. When they came back they said the teacher admitted telling my son not to get any more water, but denied touching him. The officers said they believed my son, took pictures of his arm, and filled out a report. They told me that she wouldn't be prosecuted because she didn't break his arm. After they left, I went to the school and gave the principal a piece of my mind. She finally put my son in the other classroom, although there is only 3 days of school left, too little too late. I then went to the school district and filed a complaint. They took pictures and told me to take my son to the doctor, urgent care, or hospital and they would pay for it. I just feel like this teacher is getting away with what she did. Is there anything else I can do? My son is scared to go back to school. His teacher hurt him on June 9, I called police and made complaints on June 10. He's supposed to return to school on Monday, June 13. What should I do?

Related to recent events, will you C/C please?

Hi. This is deep and heartfelt. I love it because it's about true feelings not staged this has happens to so many people it's so comforting to know , that i'm not alone it's so amazing to find your inner soul shares the exact same pain as another. Loving your creative style. Keep it up.

I killed a mouse and I feel horrible?

My cat brought back a mouse and a put a box over it so it couldnt go anywhere. I got my cat out of the room and took off the box to try to catch it. The mouse ran outside and wedged itself under the stair to my front door. I tried to push the thing along but then it got stuck. I tried pulling it out and he wouldnt budge. Suddenly his legs jumped frantically and then nothing. I yanked him out to find out he was dead. I felt hprrible because i killed him. I burried him and covered him with rose flower pedals before covering him in dirt and giving him a quick prayer. I feel horrible. Its weird i dont really care when humans die but when i hear of animals dying it makes me sad. I feel so bad do you think im a bad person to have killed him?

LIBERALS: do you know im not made of money?

Yeah, because playing "solitare on their computer all day" is way less strenuous than going on Yahoo! Answers all day.

Western Digital My Passport Essentials SE 750 gb hard drive won't connect?

So my lil brother was messing with my hard drive and yanked it out of my computer and now it won't work. It'll work sometimes if I bend the cable by where it plugs into the actual hard drive but that's it. I've had it for a while so the warrenty is done. Any one have ANY! ideas???

Anger management------- how to tackle a person who is angry always?

The reason for such behaviour is due to his inferiority complex or due to his disappointment of something in the life.Find it out and console him.

If it were true that conservatives were racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, stupid, inflexible, angry, and...?

Because the liberals know conservatives are factually and morally correct in their arguments and, having rectitude in neither of these, they need to say something so they spew vituperation.

Greece - is workers' revolution, exit from the Euro and exit from the EU superstate the only solution?

There's probably nothing stopping the Greeks from leaving the EU. That only means they will go back to just being " Greece " and more than likely not use the Euro as currency and return to their former currency. This won't absolve them from their debts however, They'll still be in the same boat no matter what they do. BTW the last time I was in Athens, the pollution was just horrible, and I doubt that it's improved any.

Great websites to buy classy, affordable dresses? :)?

I already shop at and, but I'm looking for someplace I can purchase classy, affordable dresses for sorority recruitment! Nothing too cheap-looking or flimsy, and I'd love a lot of variety! Thanks!

If you knew someone who was making a drastic mistake in picking a name for their child, would you tell them?

I once had a co-worker who was going to name her daughter Placenta. She thought it meant "peace" in Spanish. I finally broke down and told her what it really means. Thankfully, she changed the name. Should I have kept my mouth shut? Someone said I was racist for dissuading her from using the name.

Best material and method to make Daft Punk style helmet?

I want to make a helmet similar to those worn by Daft Punk and I wanna know what I should use (as it has to house cameras so I can see and just be sturdy). I figure metal is far too heavy but some plastics may be flimsy. The design will be a circular (or maybe square) smiley face that looks like this:

What are the unemployment laws for seasonal job workers?

Can full time workers with seasonal jobs receive unemployment during the time they have no work? How long do they have to work to receive it? For up to how long can they receive unemployment?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What are some different words for....?

Different/ Slang words for masturbating? Ive heard : Marching the Penguin, Sayin yoo hoo to the hoo hoo, cranking the shank, jerkin'the gherkin, polishing the rocket, pounding your flounder, pumping the python, whipping the willy, yanking the crank.

Whats wrong with the Yankees lately?

Sincerely, Yankee fans, whats wrong with them? What hasn't been there lately? Its not the same Yankees I'm accustomed to and it feels odd sweeping you guys at New York twice in a row, regularly its the other way around. Haven't seen a real close game between the Sox and Yanks in a long time... Feels like something is missing from these Sox-Yanks encounters.

So I have a job at this stable and I love it! But.....?

The other workers there don't seem to like me. I can be a little weird but that is just me (I am fun!). Anyways they have never actually said it to my face but it feels like they hate me (like when I say something they might just walk away and ignore me. Or pretend I am not there when I ask a question). Only the boss and one other staff member seems to enjoy my presents. I just want to know how I can learn to worry about myself and not what other people think. I don't want to be there friend I just want to not care if someone likes me or not. THANKS

Was he trying to hold my hand?

He took me to the movies and his arm got closer and closer to mine so that eventually they were touching and he left it there for a bit. I felt like maybe he wanted me to hold his hand but I was nervous that he would have yanked it away. IT was our 3rd date, I'm 23 he's 26

Bought a game from Ebay, got ripped off, how do I get my money back?

I bought a game off ebay. The seller claimed to be from Chicago. After ordering the game, and paying for the over night shipping, I wait ... for an entire month for my game to finally arrive. Once it gets here, it is in a sealed envelope covered in Chinese. I open the package, from what was claimed to be a brand new, unopened off the shelf game, only to find a flimsy case, no instruction booklet inside, and a dvd instead of an Xbox 360 disc. Further more, I got to ebay to report the user and the seller, but the seller's account has been deleted. I ordered through paypal, is there any way to get my money back after being completely ripped off?

All you makeup gurus, can you please help me on my mascara hunt?

I really love the MAC Plush Lash. It builds really well and makes your lashes very long, dramatic, and volumized. Plus it's only $13

Aquarium Canister filter help!!?

I just bought a canister filter and it has these THICK green hoses for the intake and out put. The problem is the canister has to sit next to the 46 gallon tank cause the stand doesnt permit it to be under it. The hoses are thick and not pliable at all. Is there any way I can make them soft and more managable? Also can I swap out the intake and outtake of other canister filters. The ones I have are kinda flimsy and not sturdy?

Why does everything suck?

Because Americans want stuff. Everyone wants to be equal. Poor americans will buy crap that is made to look like expensive stuff so that they can look rich. AND they will finance it. Which makes our economy go down the tubes. Which makes the government bail everyone out. So that the banks have enough money to lend us money so that the some guy that is going to be able to afford to buy a car that isn't crap, can go to China and put in an order for more crap that he can sell to some person who will buy their kids happy meal toy with a credit card.

What kind of guy would say this?

You need to work on your self-esteem!! You're already in a fwb relationship, and you want to be in a relationship with someone who tells you not to be so nice to him??? Freaky!! Why not - and here's a totally stupendous suggestion - find a relationship with someone who appreciates it when you're nice to them, and doesn't constantly criticize you? Wild, eh?!

Trouble with a co-worker, what do I do?

Petition to get him fired. Or wait, don't. He is already doing that to himself. I would just suck it up and let the store manager can him.

Is Google likely to change the Android platform to another programming language other than java?

You don't have to use Java to create Android apps. Other alternatives include PhoneGap, Titanium, Senza and Adobe Air.

He said if I liked him less, he'd be nicer to me?

What you need to do is deny him sex. He's clearly using you, and you are the one who gets hurt. Tell him NO MORE until he marries you. Stick to your guns. Stop giving him for free what he needs to earn. You're nothing but a rag to mop up his needs. He's telling you what you need to know. Why don't you believe him? This is real life, not a Hollywood movie.

Have you been out with someone who expected perfection/high expectations from you?

I went out with a guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better...

Which one is safer in a tornado?

Which is safer in a tornado, being in a half-basement that has a flimsy garage door, or being in a brick house that's fully above ground? I'm thinking if the huge garage door were ripped out someone could be sucked out of the half-basement, but the brick house is level or even above level. Thanks.

Omfg upper lip waxing?

I have a little bit of a lady mustache starting here (I can see it in the light!) and I bought this non strip wax .. but now I am wondering is the hair going to grow back darker after I yank it out? should I just bleach the little dark spot instead?

What is 67lb card stock paper like?

Im ordering prints to pick up from staples. i need a paper thats not flimsy and is kind of like the paper they paper they use for business cards. 67lb card stock paper seems to be the heaviest paper option they have.

A good crayon carrying case that won't break my crayons?

I think the trick is don't drop it? No matter how good the case for the crayons is , if you were to drop it , some of your crayons are still gonna end up in half.

Best kind of pizza thin or thick crust?

personally i enjoy a small town pizza that has a thin flimsy crust and is loaded with cheese and grease and toppings dont matter to me even anchoves are cool.

Rolling papers?????????????

I bought Bob Marley pure hemp rolling papers and I cant get them tight because the rip easily and the r flimsy. Any suggestions?

Is it logical to say that god exists based on flimsy evidence presented by christians?

I'm religious, and I'm not presenting any evidence, much less flimsy evidence, to support the existence of deities. I simply don't have that proof available. Religion is generally more of a matter of belief than of scientific proof. It is a different way of viewing the universe. Theology and science are separate fields for a reason (although if someone eventually does come up with irrefutable proof one way or the other, then they may become more closely aligned).

I need to plan an event during work lunch for co-workers?

Ever heard of pin the tail on the donkey? For your 4th of July theme, find a large-ish map of the US (from a bookstore) and a small flag with a thumb tack through it. Wherever your company is on the map, that is where they have to stick the pin there. They have to be blindfolded (with a sleep mask or something) and spun around three times. Then they hold their arm out and pin. They are not allowed to feel around the map. Use a marker to show who pinned where and whoever gets closest to the right spot wins a prize (maybe a little US flag decorative pin or something). Food, make it red, white and blue, like strawberries, blueberries and angel food cake. Well, that was the first idea off the top of my head! Good luck.

If a foster child's parents die and they are placed in foster care who will get their survivor benefits?

who will get this child's survivor benefits? Case worker agency or the foster parents? Or would it be placed in a trust fund of some sort? Like if they are infants, in a foster home. If so how would they know it was used for the kid? I live in Missouri, but I would like to know any state's laws.

My son just started a day summer camp program last week. It's only for three hours a day, five days per week.?

Yesterday, he kept trying to yank my older son's pants down, as a joke I guess (he was laughing/thought it was funny). He had never done anything like that before, so after I explained to him that was inappropriate behavior, I asked him why he did it. He told me another child in his class at camp yanked his pants down last week. I heard nothing of this incident from the teacher. My son said the teacher immediately put the other child in timeout but did not say anything to him. The camp director assured me before I signed my son up that the staff don't ever try to "hide" things, i.e., incidences between kids. Am I overreacting here, or should this teacher have told me about this?? I know longer feel comfortable letting my son return to camp now. Please advise.

What do I do if a boss is a good friend of a coworker who has sexually harassed me?

I work for a large retail chain and I was put into a position in the backroom to take care of overstocked merchandise. One of the coworkers, who has worked there for three years and is friends with one of the managers, took me into the small receiving room to show me how to bin the merchandise. While there (the area was very small) he started to tell me of a tattoo he has on his private area. When I tried to talk to a manager in private I was told that this coworker is a great worker and that we would just have to get alone. Mind you, I did NOT tell him the exact conversation out of embarrassment. It has been about five months and even though the coworker hasn't said anything else about that conversation, he does make grunts and moaning noises when I am on a ladder, but doesn't do it around other coworkers. When I tried to ignore this coworker or let him know I do not like him, I was taken out of the area and placed in very difficult areas of the store by the manager who is his friend. What can I do to stay in the area that I am very good at and keep my distance from the coworker and the manager? Also, I just filed a report about the incident and I was told at least twice in the meeting that "if I am believed" something would be done. It is my word against his and according to my other bosses no one has ever complained about this particular employee but me. I know that is a lie because everyone talks about how this coworker is. Can I lose my job over this? Can the company move me instead of him because he has been there longer?

I want to......before its too late?

I want to know how it feels, to call up a friend when i have a secret to tell. I want to know how it feels, to be excited again. I would love to know, how to love. I want to know, how does it feel to be the person that everyone loves and admire. I want to know, when will I ever change and stop keeping myself from so much that i could be doing, all the fun that i could be having. I want to know when will be the day that i wake up and just laugh and cry for no reason just because im happy. I want to know when will i ever stop being so distant from myself and the world at times. I just would love to still be that good girl but just with a little edge that isn't afraid to loosing up and just live life from time to time. I want to laugh again, and stop being so serious. I want to smile again, and not be so serious. I want to smile and show some teeth, without being so self conscious. I want to get up and dance without caring who's watching. I want a guy to approach me, without intimidating him anymore. I want a big team of constriuction workers to come and tear this wall down that i have up, i just want to feel free from myself. I keep stopping myself from living life, do u have any advice??

Coaster mosaic on a wooden tray, how to glue/grout?

I'm assuming that the coasters are cork and the mosaic is tile, so all you would have to do (I think) is get some glue for the coasters and use a clamp for a few hours, and... I don't really know about the grout. Usually I just go to Home Depot or Lowes and ask them how to do it.

Identify this animal?

I opened my pool this afternoon and I found this strange creature swimming in the murky water. It looked much like a worm but really fat, it looked almost like a leech but it had lots of tiny legs. It was dark green in color - the same exact color of the water. It had two antenna like things on its head but they were flimsy, thick, and wiggled around like arms. It also screeched or made like a hissing sound when I scooped it up out of the water. It was around three or four inches long.

Does this sound interesting?

umm i think it ok but you need to add more to the idea. i mean like there should be more to that idea

Drug Abuse Help (Significant Other)...?

I have been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half. Before we met he was into drugs. Mainly coke back then, from what he tells me. Then he moved onto prescription pain meds. He had pretty much quit doing them all together when we got together. Then after about 4 or 5 months one of his "friends" at work gave him something. I knew something was up then because straws were disappearing from the cups in his room. I flat out asked him and he told me the truth. That was about a year or so ago now and he hadn't done anything since up until recently. He started carpooling with some of his co-workers (different job than before.) I got suspicious because I could just "feel" that something wasn't right. At first I though he may have been cheating but then I asked him if he was snorting again and he admitted it. He says that he does one pill a day, max. Mostly Perc 5s.It bother's me so much that he is doing this but I don't know why or what to do? I can't tell that he's doing them because he doesn't act any different but just knowing that he is drives me nuts. I don't know why? Maybe because my mom died of an overdose (health complications got her addicted.) I don't know how to make him stop?! Just some insight would be nice... I don't have anyone to talk to about it because I'm ashamed and my family would tell me to leave him but we have a home together that we have worked hard for. I love him so much and I just want to help him. Do you think he will "grow out" of it? Note that we are only in our early 20's. Someone just please tell me something to ease my mind...

Do you care what your classmates or co-workers say/think about you?

If you classmates or co-workers do not like you because of you are less attractive would it bother you. There is a guy that I work with and some of the people do not like him because he is not the most attractive. And because he is not the most attractive, he is not well respected by the other co-workers. It seems like in today's world if you aren't the most handsome or the most beautiful, people aren't going to have much respect for you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I want to open a Vegan Cafe, Gallery and Bookshop after College. What courses should I do, what should I learn?

No room for the question mark! I hate when that happens. Anyway, it's my dream and I want to know what I need to do to get there. I am determined, I am a hard worker and I get straight A's. I feel I am capable of anything to reach my goal.

Question, if gay marriage makes your marriage meaningless then doesn't that state you have a very flimsy?

A 16 year old girl just married a 42 year old man, a star from Lost, and that's considered a good Christian marriage. When they divorce and she remarries that will be considered a marriage. But when my gay friends have been faithful for a lifetime, they're the ones living in sin? How messed up is that?

Why do Americans love Guns so much?

Actually our murder rate is low compared to a lot of countries with restrictive weapons laws....Brazil, South Africa and Mexico come to mind. Plus, our murders with firearms tend to be associated mostly with the drug trade and 'warfare' between criminal gangs. 'Murders' also tend to restricted to certain parts of certain cities, and young men associated with gangs and the dope trade kill and are killed far more than young women associated with those same gangs. Young black men tend to kill each other more often white men, and Latinos tend to kill each other with firearms less often than asians per capita. Oddly, black men do not commit suicide with a firearm as often as white men and women in general rarely use a firearm to commit suicide. I bring this up because here in the US some states have very restrictive firearms laws and others very lax laws. The difference in firearm offenses tend to be about the same state to state so the argument that the 'firearm itself' is the problem doesn't jibe with the objective reality of the situation. Given that in states like Arizona where firearms are practically unrestricted and any adult without a criminal record can legally buy one, if the firearm itself led to murder it would follow that there would be no difference between men and women, rich and poor, black, white, latino and native Americans when it came to murder with a firearm....yet there are huge differences that can't be explained by legal ownership of a firearm. As far as 'self defense' with a firearm there are several thousand reports that an intended victim, when he or she exhibited a firearm the attacker abated his attack even though no shot were fired. While this issue gets kicked around by people a lot and everyone has their own take on the issue the reality of it is that possession of firearms by law abiding citizens pose no particular danger to the public at large...just stay out gang territory and out of the dope trade and chances are you'll never actually see a firearm or hear a shot fired.