Friday, July 15, 2011

Should I call child protection services?

I have this friend, we used to work together and we are not as close as we used to be but we still see eachother once or twice a month, she has two boys one is 8 the other is 6 and they have some severe behavior problems. Both of them have had numerous run ins with police and the juvenile system and to be honest my heart breaks for them. Their father was abusive to their mom (physically and emotionally) and last year he became extremely sick and has been slowly dying in a nursing home ever since. Instead of dealing with their questions/grief/behavior shes too busy enjoying her new freedom now that her abusive husband is dying. I was there one day and her 8 yr old son exposed himself to my 4 yr old daughter. She beat him with a broom stick. I have personally heard her tell her children she hates them and wishes they would die and when I confronted her she said "well they say it to me!" She has been known to abuse morphine pills (not in excess) and she wont discipline them. She takes them to a neighbors house and lets the neighbor do it (the neighbor pulls their tongues out with pliers until they are screaming in pain). The scary thing is, she puts up a false front. She has regular visits with a psr worker yet pretends shes this loving mother with unruley kids and she blames them for their outbursts. Should I turn her in to CPS and do you think anything would even come of it seeing as a social worker visits her but sees nothing going on?

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